日本福祉工学会誌 論文 概要

日本福祉工学会誌 Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 26-32 (2018)

ウェアラブル型頸部光電脈波計測デバイスの有効性検証 ― 簡易的血管機能評価の試みと一考察 ―

水野 裕志, 兼子 晃治, 松村 雅史

Experimental Validation of a Wearable Device for Photoplethysmography on Cervical Body Surface - Consideration on Simplified Method for Non-Invasive Vascular Function Tests -

Yuji MIZUNO, Kouji KANEKO and Masafumi MATSUMURA

This paper presents experimental validations of our proposed wearable system for photoplethysmography (PPG) on cervical body surface. PPG is a non-invasive optical technique, that makes it possible to analysis characteristics of cardiovascular diseases diagnose on body surface. We have proposed PPG sensor where the green LED and the PD are placed, that mounted on cervical body surface to detect of the PPG on account of him/her with non-restriction. In this study, we aim to consider the efficacy of our proposed wearable system by evaluating a pulse wave velocity (PWV) calculated from a pulse transit time (PTT) between two organs that is a diagnostic index of arteriosclerosis. In this paper, first, we describe an estimation method of the PWV. Then, our proposed wearable system is evaluated the efficacy by comparison with reference data by a conventional method. Finally, verification for mean blood pressure calculated by the measured PWV data is discussed.

Key words: Photoplethysmography (PPG), Cervical Body Surface, Pulse Transit Time (PTT), Pulse Wave Velocity (PWV), Mean Blood Pressure (MBP)