
“ú–{•ŸŽƒHŠw‰ïŽ Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 6-13 (2017)


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Estimation of Oxygen Concentration in the Skin Tissue with Diffusion Mathematical Model

Masafumi MORITA, Kota OKUMURA, Masahito MIKI, Kazuhiro DOI, Chieko OSAWA and Yuriko TAKABATAKE

Impaired blood flow leads to percutaneous pressure in skin tissue capillaries and causes pressure ulcers. In this study, we estimated changes in oxidized hemoglobin transport capacity and the associated tissue consolidations due to sustained pressure using a diffusion model. Skin tissues of human forearms and wrist were maintained at percutaneous pressures of 0?100 kPa, and tissue blood flow rates were measured. Blood velocity (V) in non-pressurized tissues was 0.24 } 0.03 mm/s, which decreased to 0.20 }0.4 and 0.11 } mm/s in the middle part of the forearm and the wrist, respectively, when placed under 18.5?106.7 kPa of pressure. In subsequent experiments, the transport distance x of viable blood cells was estimated using an advection diffusion model. In these experiments, the blood flow rate in non-pressurized skin tissues was 3.87 ml/min/100 g, and the oxygen transfer distance x was 0.36 mm. Because the required oxygen transfer distance in normal tissues is 0.05?0.14 mm, these data confirm sufficient blood flow under the present conditions. However, blood flow velocity and acceptable pressure on the wrist were reduced to 0.25?0.12 mm/s and ?31.1kPa, respectively. These data indicate that cell damage is caused by insufficient oxygen supply for the metabolism of thin subcutaneous tissues under conditions of continuous pressure.

Key words: Biomechanics, Pressure Ulcer, Oxygen Transport, Percutaneous Pressure, Diffusion Model