日本福祉工学会誌 論文 概要

日本福祉工学会誌 Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 16-21 (2011)


木下 二信,水口 義久,中村正信

Study on the Impact Occurring by the Curb Step in Wheelchair

Tsuginobu KINOSHITA, Yoshihisa MINAKUCHI and Masanobu NAKAMURA

On the occasion of coming of aging society, the roads and the welfare facilities with universal design become very important. However, it is still the case that wheelchair user often feels uncomfortable when passing the steps. Therefore it is important to clarify the vibration occurring in the wheelchair and the human body in such occasions. So we examined the comfort evaluation of wheelchair users. As basic study, we performed the experiment that the wheelchair passed the various steps in driving at manual operation. The vibrations of the wheelchair were measured by the strain gages which were mounted at the support frame of front wheel and rear wheel. And the vibrations of the human body were measured by the accelerometers which were attached to head and upper torso. Furthermore, we measured the movement of the center of gravity of human body in driving the wheelchair.

Key words: Vibration , Wheelchair, Human Body, Curb Step, Spectrum Analysis, Center of Gravity