日本福祉工学会誌 論文 概要

日本福祉工学会誌 Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 14-19 (2007)








Development of Home Medical Support System Using I3 (Information Interchange Interface) for Neurodegenerative Diseases


Kotaro UEDA, Ikusaburo KURIOMO, Hiroaki AOYAGI, Kunihito USUI, Ami OKUBO, Tomoyo MASUMITSU and Takashi IMAI


Since the law of independence and social participation for the persons with disabilities was enforced, the patient of neurodegenerative diseases has to choose a remote medical treatment. The network which connects the health, the medicine, and the welfare for the patient is required. However, the network which connects each organization is not improved now. As a present problem, communication cannot be taken to the patient of a remote place. A doctor cannot grasp the condition of the patient at home.

Then, we developed the home medical support system corresponding to a network for a neurodegenerative disease. These systems are a life information monitoring system, an medical interview system, and a screen keyboard system, It consists of small communication box I-cube. As a result, in the medical interview system, oral medical interview was completed between the remote place and the hospital. Moreover, a patient's pulse rate and oxygen saturation can be supervised from a remote place with a life information monitoring system. By the screen keyboard, the patient was able to perform the character input through the network, without installing software in a personal computer.


Key Words : Neurodegenerative Diseases,Home Medical Care,I3




日本福祉工学会 : The Japan Society for Welfare Engineering